powerpoints are taken from the 2012 symposium on fukushima held at Willem University, oregon
Media (MSM) serves the interests of government and corporations. The problems of FUKUSHIMA are likely understated.
Fukushima webcast discussion: https://wu.adobeconnect.com/_a811772070/p34rknvsrld/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal
Milliseiverts (mSv) measure radiation doses 10 ,000 mSv or 10 Sv is an "instantly" fatal level of exposure.
Current levels Reactor 1 1.1 mSv /hr 100 mSv/hr are being emitted from leaking tanks of contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. A mSv, is one thousandth of a Sievert/hr.
100 rem | = | 100,000.0 mrem | = | 1 Sv | = | 1000.mSv | = | 1,000,000 µSv |
The typical background readings at sea level approximate .1 µSv/hr, expressed as .1 micro-Sieverts/hr.
The micro-prefix stands for one millionth, the readings of the leaking water amount to 1 million times normal background levels
ref http://www.radiationnetwork.com/Message.htm An Xray delivers .05 mSv to .6 mSv.
An exposure of 100 mSv will raise the risk of cancer due to exposure only slightly.
A becquerel measures how much radioactive energy is released... per second.
300 metric tons: 79000 gallons of water have leaked from storage tanks at Fukoshima Daichi. 96,000 gallons a day is enough to fill an olympic size swimming pool every 6 days
Tritium (half life 12 years) 630 kBq/l (60 kBq/l
Cesium -137 (half life 30 years) 22 kBq/l (90 Bq/l)
Cesium-134 (half life 2 years) 11 kBq/l (60 Bql/l)
Strontium 90 (half life 29 years) 1.2 kBq/l(30 Bql/l)
Tritium 9,800 curies per gram
strontium-90 140 curies per gram
cesium-137 88 curies per gram.
Note: tritium is identical to the hydrogen atom, it is able to incorporate itself at the most intimate biological levels where it effectively delivers its short ranged biologically destructive energy.
Release of radiation from the stricken reactors has reached 10,000 teraBequerels (10,000 trillion Bequerels) per hour, measured for radioactive Iodine-131. ref http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=24292
“The uranium bomb which the United States dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II released 89 tera becquerels. It killed 140,000 people – many instantly, others within weeks of the blast as they succumbed to severe radiation burns.” ref: http://voices.yahoo.com/fukushimas-nuclear-disaster-radiation-released-w...
Fukushima is spewing the equivalent of 112 Hiroshima-type nuclear bombs worth of radiation every hour, of every day. That’s 981,120 atomic bombs a year going off worth of radiation into our biosphere.
Ref: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323980604579026751169006112.html#project%3DFUKUSHIMA080113%26articleTabs%3Dinteractive
when the next major earthquake hits in or around Fukushima, those temporary water storage containers filled to the rim with highly radioactive water may breach. As the nuclear plants age, the tritium eats up the pipes and makes them brittle. In an earthquake zone is at risk.
Radioactive iodine concentrates in the thyroid, but the tetraiodothyronine and triodothyronine that carry the radioactive iodine actually carry it to every mitochondia in the body, there is gets to disperse its radioactive payload all over the body.
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We are all: Fuked
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